LifeSource College Offers You More...

  • Expert teacher and pastor, Ps John Iuliano

  • 20-30 min videos to watch again and again

  • Discussion questions to challenge your thinking

  • Face to Face practical session to complete the course

Course curriculum

    1. Know your enemy

    1. Door of disobedience

    1. Don't take offence

    1. Impact of traumatic and painful experiences - Part 1

    2. Impact of traumatic and painful experiences - Part 2

    1. Spiritual Influences

    1. What is Idolatry?

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons

Discover your potential, start today


Pastor John Iuliano has been senior Pastor of Lifesource since 1996, and has been in ministry since 1980. He is passionate for God and for seeing people rise to their potential. Having a Masters in Theology, plus life experience, he is a gifted teacher, regularly ministering around Australia and overseas. John has been married to Anne for 43 years, and they have three adult children and 4 grandchildren.

Ps John Iuliano

Senior Pastor of Lifesource Church


'Defeating the Enemy at your Gate' is an insightful course that helps identify blockages and then gives your step by step strategies to lead you to healing, freedom and confidence. 5 star!