
Pastor John Iuliano has been senior Pastor of Lifesource since 1996, and has been in ministry since 1980. He is passionate for God and for seeing people rise to their potential. Having a Masters in Theology, plus life experience, he is a gifted teacher, regularly ministering around Australia and overseas. John has been married to Anne for 43 years, and they have three adult children and 4 grandchildren.

Ps John Iuliano

Senior Pastor of Lifesource Church

Bonus material

LifeSource offers you more...

  • 20-30 minute videos

    Ps John's teaching has been professionally videoed, with headings, bible verses and subtitles

  • Study notes

    Each lesson has pdf print outs, bible verses to study so you can read and investigate for yourself

  • Reflection Questions

    For you and your connect group to think and discuss together so you can apply the lessons to your life.